
How to avoid a high humidity of the car interior in the winter time?

Geschrieben am01.03.2018 von
What do you need to check? How to dry the car?

We do not even think about why the windows in our car are fogging up.

Fogged up windows is a normal thing for winter time, of course,  since the temperature difference is the main reason for such process. Inside a warm car, the moisture condenses on cold windows. You should afraid humidity not only because it stays on the windows, but also because it hides under car headliner and in other unexpected places, causing corrosion of the body. Do not forget that high humidity also has a negative effect on electronic devices, can cause a short circuit. Your head unit will be grateful to you, for a dry and comfortable microclimate inside your car. Where does this humidity come from and how to reduce its amount in your car?

high humidity

If you frequently use the air recycling button, if your salon filter clogged, if a short trip prevalent during the day and your car do not have time to ventilate fully - these are the reasons to assume that you have increased humidity in your car.

To avoid an excessive humidity we advise you to put the newspapers under rubber rugs during the rainy and snowy weather. The paper will absorb moisture, but do not forget to remove it at the end of the day. Newspapers can freeze if the car will spend the night in the open air.

The winter air is very dry, it is can’t hurt to simply ventilate the car before parking or after washing. It also will be not superfluous to clean rugs from snow, water or ice. It is also recommended to turn on the air conditioner more often. The drainage holes in the air conditioning system may be clogged. In this case, water from there will be blowing into the interior, you can change the situation if you simply clean them. If the humidity inside of the car is really high, we can assume that the interior is not sealed, you need to check it too. Less often the engine cooling system is the reason for a high humidity. In that case, the vapor which is generated by overheating get into the interior through the ventilation system. This problem must be solved by the professionals.

Now you know the main reasons for a high humidity of your car and could solve them as soon as possible.




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